Monday, January 25, 2010

A much need fresh start...

Hello again...

I'm so proud of myself. The gap between blog entrys is less that a week apart. I know I'm awesome. Don't have to tell me twice;) But in all seriousness blogging is such a great way to just down load things and stuff thats on your heart and mind that you don't mind others seeing... And I'm so blessed to do so.

Lately, I've been trying so hard to bounce back and stay ahead. And for a while, I was just going through the motions and just doing the work that was put in front of me. Everyone around my thought that I was happy and doing great, but I know me...and I was the farthest thing from happy. Crying myself to sleep every night, not eating right, lounging around in my pj's all day ((which is not a bad thing, but when it's the same outfit for about a week thats bad...hahaha)) hiding myself away and only facing the world when I had to... Yes, it was just bad! But God stepped in...

I love the "But God" moments in life. I'll never forget that sermon that Cliff Pruitt preached in chapel @ Elim. ((Powerful!!!)) Anyways, as I just laying in bed, attempting to take a nap, I just started to weep. Not tears of sorrow ((for once)) but I was just so thankful. Thankful for life. Thankful for the few friends that I have in my inner circle. Thankful for mom and the many spiritually parents that I do have. And thankful for what has yet to come... and than I saw it... :)

This incredible picture of mighty running water. And as the water flowed new life was formed. A fresh start. One filled with many blessings, many new and exciting victorious things. True freedom from the many things that I have struggled with for years. The silly secret things that I would whisper to God and just hope they were apart of His Those big dreams... All of it just being knit together. It was a great picture... :)

Now after typing all of that, I really don't know how to end this. But on thing for sure is that I feel like a new woman. Things are turning around for the better. I have a feeling in this next season that alot of tears are going to be redeemed. Things that I have prayed over with great faith, things that seemed to be to little in my eyes, and things that would seem to be "too extreme"...are all going to be come so very real. And it's about time... I mean... it's very exciting to watch, and know that it's only going to drawing me closer to the Lord, and turn me into a greater woman.

Goodness, God is GREAT. :)