Friday, May 7, 2010

Dear Friend

Dear Friend,

Sorry it has taken a frustrationg time for me to talk to you. Please forgive me.Thank you for praying. I need it. I'm just in a really frusterating time. Nothing seems to be working out. Cars broken, Funds are low. Faith is low...and usually I'm a fighter and I'll pray until something happends...but this time there is no fight...I'm sick and tired of hear the awesome things that God has in store for me... And seeing prophetically, is just a tease! And everytime I feel like there is a relase of grace for me to walk in faith in those things... i walk in to this glass wall... and get knocked down :( The first couple of times i found it funny. And now I'm just pissed!

I'm sick of tears, pain, rejection and betral. I'm so frusterated, and alone... and it sucks!!Idk, where to go from here? And I'm not sure I want to know. I don't want anymore confusing, pain, tears, heartache, betral... I just want to be truely happy. I want to take pictures and have happiness behind each and every smile... and not having to force it...

Friend, I don;t know how to ask you to pray for me...but I'm very thankful that you are willing to do so.

Ps: Did I mention I'm sick of working my ass off... :/